Geneva County, Alabama Cemeteries

This list of Geneva County cemeteries was compiled from highway maps which can be viewed at or the most recent map is available in pdf or paper form from the Alabama Department of Transportation.

The Historical Atlas of Alabama Volume II: Cemetery Locations by County, 3rd Edition contains cemetery locations for each county and can be purchased from the University of Alabama.

? Cemetery, T1N, R20E, S5, 2¼ miles southwest of Samson on Chase Rd./Co.Rd.16.

? Cemetery, T1N, R19E, S8, ½ mile southeast of Hacoda on Iron Bridge Rd.(dirt).

? Cemetery, T1N, R20E, S31, 7½ miles south of Samson at the intersection of Reese Church Rd. and Alford Rd./Co.Rd. 10.

Adoniram Cemetery(17 Jun 1997), T1N, R23E, S28, 1½ miles north of Black on Co.Rd. 6.

Antioch Church, T1N, R22E, S12, 3 miles northeast of Geneva on St.Rd. 52.

Antioch Church, T7N, R13W, S16, 7½ miles southeast of Slocomb on St.Rd. 103.

Bellwood Cemetery, T2N, R22E, S1, on the corner of Krebb St. and Powell St. in Bellwood.

Bethel Church, T2N, R24E, S6, 4½ miles north of Hartford on Shiloh Rd/Co.Rd. 69.

Bethesda Church, T1N, R25E, S10, 3 miles southeast of Slocomb on dirt road 1 mile west of the intersection of Co.Rds. 60 and 49.

Bethlehem Church, T2N, R25E, S11, 1½ miles northeast of Malvern on Co.Rd. 70.

Black Cemetery, T1N, R23E, S33, ¼ mile west of Black on Lowery St./Co.Rd. 4.

Burns Church, T2N, R25E, S33, 2 miles east of Slocomb on Co.Rd. 30.

Carter Family Cemetery,T1N, R22E, S16, 1½ miles north of Geneva on St.Rd. 85.

Cassady Cemetery, T2N, R19E, S19, 8½ miles northwest of Samson, west of Forest Area Rd.

Christian Home Church, T1N, R23E, S14, 3½ miles south of Hartford on Co.Rd. 61.

Christian Home Church(19 May 1998), T1N, R25E, S5, 2¼ miles southeast of Slocomb off Co.Rd. 28 on Nathan Rd.

Coffee Springs Cemetery, T2N, R21E, S2?, on Spring St. in Coffee Springs.

Corinth Church, T1N, R25E, S11, 5¼ miles southeast of Slocomb on Co.Rd. 49.

Corner Creek Church, T1N, R19E, S17, 7½ miles southwest of Samson on Co.Rd. 10.

Corner Creek Upper Cemetery, T1N, R19E, S17, 7½ miles southwest of Samson on Co.Rd. 1, southwest of Corner Creek Church.

Crews Cemetery(17 May 1998), T2N, R20E, S7, 4 miles northwest of Samson on Co.Rd. 95.

Dannelly Cemetery(17 May 1998), T2N, R20E, S33, 1 mile south of Samson on Grady Dunn Rd.(dirt).

Davis Cemetery, T7N, R15W, S24, 2¼ miles east of Black on High Note Rd. off of WV Armstrong Rd.

Earlytown Church, T2N, R19E, S22, 5½ miles west of Samson off of St.Rd. 52 on Early Town Rd.

Eden Church, T2N, R21E, S28, 6 miles east of Samson on Co.Rd. 65.

El Bethel Church, T2N, R22E, S7, 1½ miles east of Coffee Springs at the intersection of E Dogwood Trail/Co.Rd. 40 and St.Rd. 27.

Eunola Cemetery(16 May 1998), T1N, R22E, S22, 2 miles east of Geneva on Co.Rd. 4.

Fadette Church, T1N, R25E, S21, 5¼ miles southeast of Slocomb on St.Rd. 103.

Fellowship Church, T2N, R23E, S28, 3 miles west of Hartford on Co.Rd. 38.

Flat Creek Cemetery(17 May 1998), T2N, R19E, S28, 5½–6 miles west of Samson on Maloy Rd.(dirt) just east of the bridge on St.Rd. 54.

Flat Creek Church, T1N, R19E, S24, 6 miles southwest of Samson on Co.Rd. 10 west of the intersection with St.Rd. 153.

Friendship Church Cemetery, T2N, R22E, S31, 5 miles north of Geneva on St.Rd. 27.

Geneva City Cemetery, S Commerce St. and E Magnolia St. in Geneva.

Greater Pleasant Valley Church, T2N, R22E, S7, 1½ miles east of Coffee Springs on Leslie Rd. off of St.Rd. 27.

Hall & Rivers Cemetery(17 May 1998), T2N, R20E, S32, 1¼ miles southwest of Samson on Columbus Holley Rd./Co.Rd. 17.

Hartford City Cemetery, W Commerce St./Co.Rd.45 and W Line St. in Hartford.

Highfalls Church, T2N, R22E, S36, 5 miles northeast of Geneva on Co.Rd. 41.

Hinson Cemetery(16 Jun 1997), T2N, R25E, S12, 2 miles northeast of Malvern in a field north of the intersection of Newton Creek Rd. and Hinson Rd.

House of Prayer, T2N, R24E, S8/9, 4 miles northeast of Hartford on Co.Rd. 46.

Hurricane Church, T1N, R24E, S5, 2¾ miles southeast of Hartford on Co.Rd. 69.

Immanuel Church, T1N, R25E, S2, 3½ miles south of Malvern near the corner of Chipola Rd.(dirt) and Co.Rd. 28.

Jones Cemetery, T2N, R22E, S27, 5 miles north of Geneva in a field east of Co.Rd. 85.

Leddon Church(18 May 1998), T1N, R21E, S15, 4 miles west of Geneva on Co.Rd. 83.

Liberty Chapel Church, T1N, R20E, S24, 8¼ miles west of Geneva on Caldwell Rd. off of Goat Hill Rd./Co.Rd. 4.

Lime Springs Church, T1N, R19E, S12, 4¼ miles southwest of Samson on St.Rd. 153.

Lowery Cemetery(17/18 May 1998), T2N, R19E, S4, at the corner of St.Rd. 52 and Dick Dunn Rd. west of Lowery.

Macedonia Cemetery, T2N, R24E, S18, 2½ miles north of Hartford on Gospel Rd.(dirt) off of Shiloh Rd./Co.Rd. 69.

Malvern Baptist Church, T2N,R25E, S22, Corner of Main St. and St.Rd. 52 in Malvern.

Martin Cemetery(16 Jun 1997), T1N, R25E, S4, 3 miles southeast of Slocomb on Tindil Creek Rd.(dirt) off of Smith Rd./Co.Rd. 28.

McDuffie Cemetery(16 May 1998), T1N, R21E, S28, 5 miles west of Geneva on Steven Ferry Rd.(dirt) off of Co.Rd. 4.

McDuffie Cemetery, T7N, R17W, S28, 5½ miles southwest of Geneva on dirt road north of St.Rd. 27.

Millville Church(20 May 1998), T1N, R23E, S26, 2¼ miles northeast of Black on Millville Rd.(dirt).

Mims Family Cemetery, T1N, R22E, S4?, 3 miles north of Geneva on St.Rd. 85.

Mt. Calvary Church, T1N, R25E, S26, 7¼ miles southeast of Slocomb on Grady Garner Rd./Co.Rd. 51.

Mt. Carmel Cemetery, T2N, R21E, S11, on Coffee Springs Rd./Co.Rd. 64. ¾ mile southwest of Coffee Springs.

Mt. Carmel Church, T2N, R20E, S1, on the corner of Stephenson Rd./Co.Rd. 64. and Mt. Carmel Rd. 5 miles northeast of Samson.

Mt. Gilead(Eight Mile) Church, T6N, R19W, S30, 11 miles southwest of Samson on Doyle Morgan Rd.(dirt) off of Co.Rd. 4.

Mt. Gilead Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery, Houston Co., Alabama. 6½ miles north of Hartford on Co.Rd. 41.

Mt. Mariah Memorial Cemetery, T2N, R22E, S2/3, 2 miles west of Bellwood north of Triumph Rd. and south of Lake Fox Rd./Co.Rd. 64.

Mt. Pleasant Church, T2N, R19E, S35, 4 miles west of Samson on St.Rd. 153 at James Johnson Rd.

New Hinson Church, T1N, R25E, S23, 6 miles southeast of Slocomb on Co.Rd. 48.

New Home Church, T1N, R20E, S3, 2 miles south of Samson on Co.Rd. 16.

New Hope Church, T3N, R22E, S35, 2 miles northwest of Bellwood on Lake Green Rd.

New Post Oak Church, T1N, R24E, S22, 5 miles southwest of Slocomb on Co.Rd. 107 at Thorne Rd./Co.Rd. 14.

New Prospect Church Cemetery, T1N, R24E, S34, 6½ miles east of Black on Co.Rd. 4.

New Prospect Church, T2N, R21E, S31, 3½ miles southeast of Samson on Co.Rd. 19 north of St.Rd. 52.

New Teamon Church, T1N, R24E, S25, 5¼ miles south of Slocomb on Co.Rd. 85.

Oak Grove Cemetery(16 Jun 1997), T2N, R24E, S15, 2¾ miles northwest of Slocomb at the corner of Harrell St. and Co.Rd. 44.

Oak Ridge Church, T2N, R19E, S26, 4 miles west of Samson on St.Rd. 52.

Old Sardis Cemetery(17 May 1998), T1N, R19E, S5, 7 miles west of Samson on dirt road off of St.Rd. 54 or 1 mile north of Hacoda on 54.

Panther Creek Church, T3N, R25E, S31, 6 miles north of Slocomb on Co.Rd. 62/Bailey Rd.

Pate Cemetery(17 Jun 1997), T7N, R14W, S19, 4½ miles southeast of Black on Cannon Rd. off of Co.Rd. 67 in Holmes Co., Florida.

Pilgrims Rest Church(20 May 1998), T7N, R13W, S14, 8½ miles southeast of Slocomb on Piligrim’s Rest Rd.(dirt) off of Co.Rd. 4.

Piney Grove Assembly of God Church, T2N, R20E, S4, 3½–4 miles north of Samson on the east side of St.Rd. 87.

Piney Grove Baptist Church, T2N, R20E, S4, 4–4½ miles north of Samson on the west side of St.Rd. 87.

Pleasant Grove Church, T1N, R25E, S25, 8 miles southeast of Slocomb on Co.Rd. 4.

Pleasant Hill Church, T2N, R24E, S26, 1½ miles west of Slocomb on Pleasent Hill Rd. near 52.

Pleasant Home Cemetery(16 May 1998), T1N, R23E, S31, small cemetery, 2 miles west of Black on Co.Rd. 53 west of Pleasant Home Church.

Pleasant Home Church, T1N, R23E, S31, 2 miles west of Black on Lee Mixon Rd.(dirt) east of Co.Rd. 53.

Pleasant Ridge Church, T1N, R21E, S4, 6 miles northwest of Geneva on Sandy Creek Rd./Co.Rd. 65.

Pondtown Church(1995–1997), T1N, R23E, S11, 2⅜ miles south of Hartford on Pondtown Rd. off of Co.Rd. 16.

Providence Cemetery(Reneau), T2N, R24E, S13, 2 miles north of Slocomb on the east side of St.Rd. 103.

Providence Methodist Church, T2N, R22E, S28, 5 miles north of Geneva on St.Rd. 85.

Purvis Cemetery(16 Jun 1997), T2N, R25E, S20, 2 miles northeast of Slocomb on S Watford Rd.(dirt) off of St.Rd. 52.

Reese Church, T1N, R19E, S36, 7¾ miles southwest of Samson on Reese Church Rd./Co.Rd. 4.

Samson Church, T2N, R20E, S30, 2 miles west of Samson on St.Rd. 52.

Samson Church, T1N, R20E, S9, 2¾ miles south of Samson on St.Rd. 87.

Shady Grove Church, T2N, R21E, S7, off of Stephenson Rd./Co.Rd. 64 on the corner of Sam Eldridge Rd. and Shady Grove Rd. 5 miles northeast of Samson.

Shiloh Baptist Church, on Shiloh Rd./Co.Rd. 69 east of Hartford.

Silverene Church, T2N, R22E, S1, on Donnell St. in Bellwood.

Spikes Cemetery(16 Jun 1997), T1N, R23E, S26, 2½ miles northeast of Black on Ben Pate Rd./Millville Rd.

Spring Creek or Crutchfield Cemetery(16 Jul 1997), T1N, R23E, S21, east of Firetower Rd./Co.Rd. 55 and south of Spring Creek 2⅛ miles north of Black.

Spring Hill Cemetery, T7N, R16W, S19, 3½ miles south of Geneva on E Skyline Ave./Co.Rd 33.

St. Michaels Cemetery, T1N, R22E, S27/34, 2½ miles southeast of Geneva off of Co.Rd. 89.

St. James Church(20 May 1998), T7N, R16W, S23, 4 miles west of Black on Co.Rd. 89.

St. Paul Church(19 Jun 1997), T2N, R23E, S22, 2 miles northwest of Hartford on Co.Rd. 36 off of St.Rd. 167.

Sunset Memorial Gardens Cemetery, T1N, R21E, S10, 4 miles northwest of Geneva on St.Rd. 52.

Tabernacle Church, T2N, R24E, S9, on St.Rd. 123 north of the intersection with Airport Rd./Co.Rd. 85, 5 miles northeast of Hartford.

Travelers Rest Church, T2N, R20E, S20, 1½ miles northwest of Samson on Traveler’s Rest Rd./Co.Rd. 17.

Union Church, T2N, R24E, S12, 3 miles north of Slocomb at the intersection of St.Rd. 103 and Co.Rd. 44.

Union Hill Church, T1N, R24E, S11, 3 miles southwest of Slocomb on Union Hill Rd. off of Co.Rd. 9.

Vaughanville Cemetery(17 Jun 1997), T1N, R21E, S35, 3½ miles southwest of Geneva on Size More Hwy/St.Rd. 27.

Weeks Chapel Church, T2N, R19E, S11, 5 miles northwest of Samson at the corner of Weeks Chapel Rd. and Co.Rd. 5.

Wesley Chapel Church, T2N, R23E, S30, 5½ miles west of Hartford on Co.Rd. 41 at Jim Martin Rd.

Whaley? Cemetery(18 May 1998), T2N, R24E, S18, 3½ miles north of Hartford on Shiloh Rd./Co.Rd. 69 just north of Hurricane Creek.

Whitaker Church, T7N, R13W, S19, 7 miles south of Slocomb on Co.Rd. 4.

Wright Chapel Cemetery(19 Jun 1997), T2N, R24E, S32, 2¼–2½ miles east of Hartford on St.Rd. 52 and a few hundred feet north of the road behind a house at the edge of a field.

Wright Church Cemetery(19 May 1998), T1N, R25E, S29, on Wrights Rd. 5⅜ miles south of Slocomb.

This document part of: Geneva County, Alabama Genealogy
6 Aug 2022
© Chris T. Outlaw